] Casco insurance – Compare prices | 24ins.bg
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Casco insurance

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Casco insurance

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Casco insurance online

Why choose Casco Online?

24ins gives you the opportunity to buy your Casco insurance fast and easy, at any time of the day. The process of buying insurance online is not only easier but also fully transparent. The system is designed to make your purchase quicker and without unnecessary hassles. All you need to do is to use the calculators on the website to determine your insurance premium and to choose an offer that suits you the best.

By choosing Sample Calculation, only in a few steps you will receive detailed information about the insurance company offers for Casco insurance, compare the prices and choose the best offer.

By choosing Personal Offer, fill in your vehicle’s details and we will contact you to offer you the best insurance deals.


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Questions and answers

What’s the difference between insurance company, insurance broker and insurance website?
In any of the listed above you can take out an insurance contract. What is the difference? The insurances, as any other service, are offered from several competitive companies called “insurance companies”. If you go to the office of a specific insurance company you will be able to see only their insurance offers and you won’t be able to consider offers from different insurance company that might be more suitable for you. The insurance broker offers services of several insurance companies. At the insurance broker office you will receive an insurance proposal that corresponds to your individual needs and preferences. You will have full assistance from the broker in case of an accident, quality consultation and personal approach. Private persons usually work with specific insurance company, offer specific insurance products and you will receive professional consultation. On our website you can find information about:
  • Best offers from the insurance companies;
  • Receive a professional consultation from licensed insurance broker(24ins.bg is Broker Ins online service – insurance broker with more than 13 years of experience in the insurance field)
  • Get personal approach, full assistance in case of accident and professional advice;
  • Everything listed above you can do at any time of the day, 365 days in the year without leaving your home and in any part of the world;
  • 24ins combines the advantages of the insurance company, the insurance broker and the personal approach for one fast, easy and convenient online service.
Is Casco insurance valid for abroad?
Обикновено покритието по застраховката важи за територията на страната. Определени компании предлагат безплатно покритие и за чужбина в държавите от ЕС и държавите-членки на Международното споразумение "Зелена карта", независимо къде е сключена Гражданската отговорност. В конкретни държави рискът "Кражба" не се покрива (Албания, Беларус, Босна и Херцеговина, Косово, Молдова, Русия, Украйна). При комбинирано сключване на застраховки Каско и Гражданска отговорност в една и съща застрахователна компания, покритието по Каското е безплатно и важи за държавите от ЕС. Ако застраховките са в различни компании, за разширяване на покритието по Каско в чужбина, се заплаща допълнителна цена по тарифата на застрахователя и се издава добавък към полицата.

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